Registered user since Mon 8 Aug 2022
Dr. Frank Houdek graduated in Computer Science at the University of Ulm. Then he joined the Daimler Research Centre in Ulm where he worked as a Ph.D. student from 1995 to 1999 in the field “Empirical Software Engineering”.
In 1999 he shifted his interests to requirements engineering. Since then, he worked in and headed various research and transfer projects with internal customers in the passenger car and commercial vehicles business units. Currently, he heads the group Requirements Engineering and Test Methodology within Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars Development. Since 2020 he is also responsible for testing basic ECU technologies (like networking, security, diagnosis, flashing).
He has been reviewer and co-organizer for many events in requirements engineering. He is a founding member of IREB (International Requirements Engineering Board) and heading there the exam working group as well as the Advanced Level Requirements Management working group.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
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